• Hours: Monday/Wednesday 1:00 Pm -5:30 PM
    Tuesday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm, 3:00 – 6:00 pm
    Thursday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Get your body strong in the New Year!

One of the most common goals for a New Year is to get in shape. Gym memberships see a huge influx of new clients during January for this very reason. One thing that may surprise you is that we also see an influx of new injuries during this time of year as well.  With the energy of the New Year comes the excitement and motivation to start strong and give it all you got. What often happens with that extra burst of determination is the discovery of weakened areas of the body that result in strains, sprains and overuse injuries.

Posture is at the foundation of every movement you make. When your posture has grown weak it leads to some muscles becoming too tight and some overstretched. How do you know which one is which? How do you know what areas of your body need the most attention? Posture distortions also contribute to poor muscle engagement, instability, poor balance and sluggish reflexes, all of which are vital for proper strength training.

So, if one of your resolutions is to get your body strong and in shape again, one of the best places to start is with a postural evaluation. Identifying where your posture is distorted helps to shine a light on which areas of your body are weak and prone to injury. These areas are best targeted first for strengthening and is a key component of injury prevention. Targeting postural imbalances early allows your body to move properly and train in good habits instead of training in compensation and faulty movement patterns that are more likely to lead to problems down the road.

One of the easiest ways to check your posture is to request one of our virtual assessments. It’s completely free and can be performed from the comfort of your home with any smart phone. If you would like to request a free screening, give us a call 828-848-8709.